
unit 1 Medieval India- The Centres of Power

1) Name the City situated on the bank of river Yamuna
Answer: Delhi

2) Who was the last ruler in Lodi Dynasty?
Answer: Ibrahim Lodi

3) Who was the only woman ruler of the Delhi sultanate ?
Answer: Sultana Raziyya

4) Which ruler in khalji dynasty conquered Gujarat to strengthened his military power?
Answer: Alauddin Khalji.

5) Who introduced the mansabdari system?
Ans: Babur.

6) Who wrote the famous work Akbar Nama?
Ans: Abul Fazal

7) Who was the last ruler in Mughal Empire?
Answer: Aurangzeb

8) Who was the important ruler in Chola dynasty ?
Answer: Raja Raja Chola

9) Who was the founder of bahmani kingdom ?
Answer: Alauddin Hasan Bhaman Shah

10) Which ruler adopted the title Chatrapati ?
Answer:  Shivaji

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