
UNIT 1- Number World

1) Name the number with hundred zeros after One?

A : Googol  

2) Who popularized the name ‘Googol’ ?

A : Edward Kasner

3) Name the number that can be read the same both forward and  backward?

A : Palindromic number

4) Which number is called Kaprekar constant?

A : 6174

5) What is the last digit of the product of numbers 1 to 5?

A :  Zero

6) Another name of 10 lakh?

A : Million

7) What is the number obtained when 1 is added to the largest six  digit Number?

A : 1000000

8) What is the number obtained when five zeros are added after 1?  (Write in figures and words)

A : 100000 (Lakh)

9) The price of a pen is Rs.8 . How much will it cost to buy pens for  400 children?

A : 8 x 400 = Rs. 3200

10) Do these without pen and paper:

 * ( 410 x 98 ) + ( 410 x 2 ) = 

 * (143 x 7 ) + ( 143 x 993 ) =

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