

1. What are the different types of list used in web page?. Explain its Tags.

a).  Ordered List: In this type of list , the list items are in some numerical or alphabetical order. <OL> and </OL> tags used to form an ordered list. Its attributes are,

1). Type: It indicate the numbering type for the list items. Its values are,

I). Type=1 for default numbering scheme

II). Type =i for small Roman Numbers

III). Type= I for large Roman Numbers

IV). Type=a for lower case letters

V). Type=A for upper case letters

2). Start: It specifies the starting number for the list items

eg. <OL type = 1 start = 10>

Items in the list is presented by <LI> tag

b).  Unordered list: In it, items are arranged with bullet symbol in  front. <UL> and

</UL> tags Used to form an ordered list. Its attribute is,

Type: It specifies the bulleting type. It can take values square, disc, or circle.

The Default type is disc.

eg. <UL type = disc>                         

c). Definition List: It is a list of terms and their . No bullet symbol or numbering is given to the list items.. <DL and </DL> tags encloses the definition list. The <DT> tag contains the definition term and<DD> tag specifies the description.

Eg. <DL>


<DD>Indian currency </DD>


2. What is mean by nested list in HTML?

A list items are given under the each item of another list is known as nested list.

3. What is a hyperlink in HTM? Explain internal and external links ?

A Hyperlink is an element like text or image on a webpage which help us to move to another document or section of the same web page by clicking on it.  <A>tag is used for it.  HREF is its main attribute and its values is the URL of the document to be linked.

Internal Linking is the linking of different sections in the same document. For this we should name the section using <A> tag. It is done by using NAME attribute of <A> Tag.

Eg. <A name=”Introduction”> Introduction </A>

Then we can link to this section as <A HREF=”#Introduction”> Go to Introduction </A>

External Linking is the linking to an external file such as document, webpage, picture etc.

Here, give the path and name of the external file to the HREF attribute of <A> tag

Eg. <A HREF=”D:\html\page1.html” > Click for page1 </A>

4. How can make picture in a web page as a hyper link?

We can make a picture as a hyperlink by using <IMG>tag inside the <A>tag

Eg. <A HREF=”> <img src=wiki.jpg width=50 > </A>

5. How can create a hyper link to an e-mail in HTML?

We can create an e-mail hyperlink to a web pageusing hyperlink protocol mailto:

Eg: <A> mail abc corp </A>

6. Explain the use of <EMBED> Tag and <NOEMBED> Tag in HTML

<EMBED>tag is used to add music or video to a web page. This tag includes multimedia controls in web page.

<NOEMBED>tag is used to display message if the <EMBED>tag is not supported by the browser .

7. What is the use of <BGSOUND> tag in HTML?

<BGSOUND> tag is used play a background music to a web page.

8. Which tag is used to create a table in a web page? What are its attributes?

<TABLE>tag is used to create a table in a web page.<TR> tag is used to create Table rows ,<TH> tag is used to insert heading cells and<TD> is used to insert table data in a table.

The attributes of <TABLE> tag are:

a) BORDER -Specifies the thickness of the table border. If there is no border or border value =0 then the table has no border.

b). BORDERCOLOR – Specifies the boarder color of the table.

c). ALIGN – To align the table in the browser window. Its values are left, right and center.

d). BGCOLR – To give background colour to the table.

e). CELLSPACING – Specifies the space between table cells.

f). CELLPADDING – Specifies the space between cell border and the content.

g).COLS- Specifies the number of columns in the table.

h). WIDTH and HEIGHT- Specifies the table width and height in terms of pixel or % value.

i). FRAME- Specifies the border line around the table.

9. What is the use of COLSPAN and ROWSPAN in HTML?

COLSPAN – used to stretch a cell over a number of columns in a table. (eg. TD Colspan=2)

ROWSPAN- used to stretch a cell over a number of Rows. (eg. TD Rowspan=4)

10. How can we create a ROW in a table in a Web Page?

<TR>tag is used to define a row in the table.

Its attributes are Align, valign (vertical align),BgColor etc. <TD> or <TH> tags are used to define cells in a row. <TH> is used to define headingcells. attributes of <TD> and <TH> tags)are,

a). ALIGN- Specifies the horizontal alignment of the cell content. Values are Left, Right, Center and Justify

b).  VALIGN- Specifies the vertical alignment of the cell content of a row. Values are Top, Middle, Baseline and Bottom

c). BGCOLOR- Specifies the background colour for a row.

11. What is the use of <TH> and <TD> tags in HTML? What are its attributes?

<TD> or <TH>  tags are used to define cells in a table row,<TH>tag is used to insert heading cells and <TD>is used to insert cell data. Some attributes of <TD> and <TH> are,

a). ALIGN- Specifies the horizontal alignment of the cell content. Values are Left, Right, Center and Justify

b).  VALIGN- Specifies the vertical alignment of the cell content. Values are Top, Middle, Baseline and Bottom

c). BGCOLOR- Specifies the background colour for a cell.

d). COLSPAN- used to stretch a cell over a number of columns. Default value is 1

eg. (TD ColSpan=3)

e). ROWSPAN- used to stretch a cell over a number of Rows. Default value is 1

eg. (TD RowSpan=3)

12. Explain the use of <CAPTION> tag in HTML.

<CAPTION>  tag is used with  <TABLE>tag in HTML to give descriptive text to a table as its caption. It should give before the first <TR>tag.

13. What is the use of FRAMESET tag and FRAME tag in HTML?

< FRAMESET>tag is a container tag which used for partitioning the browser window into different frame sections.. Its main attributes are,

a)  COLS- It determines the dimension of vertical frames in the frameset page and its dimensions. Value can be given in pixels or %. Eg. <FRAMESET Cols=40%,*>

b)  ROWS- It determines the dimension of horizontal frames  in the frameset page.

<FRAMESET Rows = 40%,*>

c)  BORDER- Specifies the thickness of the border of the frames. Values given in pixels.

d)  BORDERCOLOR- Specifies the color of the frame boarder.

<FRAME>tag is an empty tag which defines the frames within the FRAMESET. SRC attribute defines the HTML page to be loaded in the frame. The main attributes of FRAME tag are,

a). SRC – Specifies the URL of the document to be loaded inthe frame.

Eg <FRAME SRC =page1.html>

b).  SCROLING – Indicates whether scroll bar is shown in the frame, when content exceeds the frame size. Its values are Yes, No or Auto.

c). NORESIZE- Make the frameset not resizable.

d).NAME- Gives a name for the frame for reference.

e). MARGINWIDTH and MARGINHEIGHT- Gives the horizontal and vertical margins.

14. What is the use of TARGET attribute of <A> tag

TARGET  attribute of<A>  tag Specifies the target for hyperlinks in the frame.

So we can open the linked web page in another named frame.

15. What is the use of <NOFRAMES> in HTML?

<NOFRAMES>tag is used to display its content (eg. a message), when the browser

do not support the <FRAMESET>tag. Eg.

<FRAMESET cols 25%, *>

<FRAME SRC=main.html>

<FRAME SRC=help.html>




Frames in this page can not display in this browser



16. Which tag is used to create a form in HTML? What are its attributes?

<FORM>tag. Its attributes are,

a). Action :Specifies the URL of the Form Handler which process the data from the form

b). Method :Mention the method used to upload data. Eg. GET orPOST

c). Target :Specifies the target window or frame where the result of the script will be displayed.

17. What is a Form Handler?

A form handler is a program on the web server that manage the data sent through the form.

18. What is the use of <INPUT> tag in HTML? What are its attributes?  Or

What is mean by form controls in HTML ?

<INPUT>tag is used to create a number of input controls in a form.  The TYPE attribute determines the type of the control. Its main values are,

a). Text – Create a text box used for character input. Eg.<input type =taxt>

b). Password – Create a Password box where the typed characters are shown as coded

symbols . Eg.<input type =Password>

c).Checkbox – used to accept Yes/No inputs from viewers. Eg.<input type =checkbox>

d).  Radio – To create a radio (option) button from which the  user can select only one

option. Eg.<input type =Radio>

e). Reset – It is used to clear all the inputs given in the form. Eg.<input type =Reset>

f). Submit – Used for the submission of all the inputs to the server.

Eg.<input type =Submit>

g). Button – To create standard graphical button for calling functions etc.

19. Which tag in HTML is used to input multiple line text in form in webpage?

What are its Attributes?

<TEXTAREA>tag is used to input multiple line text in form in webpage. Its attributes are,

a)  Cols – Specifies the number of characters per line.

b)  Rows – Specifies the number of lines

Eg. < TEXTAREA Cols=30 Rows=10> </ TEXTAREA>

20. What is the use of submit and reset button in HTML?

Submit and Reset are special type of inputs in a form in a HTML Page.

Reset – It is used to clear all the inputs given in the form. Eg.<input type =Reset>

Submit – Used for the submission of all the inputs to the server. Eg.<input type =Submit>

21. What is the use of SELECT BOX in HTML? How can create a SELECT BOX in form?

Select Box or  dropdown box provide a selection list from which the input option can be selected.

<SELECT>tag is used to create a Select Box. Its main attributes are,

a). Name :Gives name to the select box

b).Size :Used to create a scrolling list box.

c). Multiple :Allows user to select multiple items.

<OPTION>tag is an empty tag used in <SELECT> tag to lists options provided in the Select Box.

Its attributes are,

a). SELECTED :used to set a default selection.

b). Value :Allow top submit a value different from the content of option.


<OPTION> Humanities

<OPTION selected> Commerce

<OPTION> Science


22. What is the use of <FIELDSET> tag?

<FIELDSET>  tag is used to divide a form into different subsections, each containing related elements. <LEGEND> tag is used to define caption for the <FIELDSET> element for identifying.

23. What is the form submission?

Submission is the sending of collected input data  in a form to the server is known as form submission. SUBMIT button is using for this.

The METHOD attribute of the form tag specifies the HTTP method(GET or POST) to be used to submitting the form.

24. Choose the odd one out

a). TABLE  b). TR   c). TH  d). COLSPAN

Ans. COLSPAN (It is an attribute)

25. Find the errors in the following and correct it.

<UL Type = “I” start=3>

Type = “I” is Roman Number can not have value 3

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