
Standard 8 Chemistry Chapter – 1 Properties of matter

  1. A few mixtures are given below. Tabulate the methods to separate their components and give the reasons for selecting the method.
Mixture Method Reason
Common salt and ammonium chloride.
Sugar solution
Petrol and Kerosene
Camphor and glass powder
Iron powder and salt

Answer :

Mixture Method Reason
Common salt and ammonium chloride. Sublimation Ammonium choride changes into vapour directly, but salt does not have this property.
Sugar solution Evaporation In sugar solution, sugar is non-volatile.
Petrol and Kerosene Using separating funnel. Petrol and kerosene are immiscible.
Camphor and glass powder Sublimation Camphor changes into vapour directly.
Iron powder and salt Using magnet Iron have a magnetic property.
  1. Given below are certain changes taking place to the particles during change of state. From this, find out and tabulate the changes in the particles when water boils to form steam and also when steam condenses to form water.
  • Distance increases
  • Attractive force decreases
  • Energy increases
  • Rate of movement increases
  • Distance decreases
  • Energy decreases
  • Attractive force increases
  • Rate of movement decreases

Answer :

Water boils to form steam Steam condenses to form water
Distance increases Distance decreases
Attractive force decreases Energy decreases
Energy increases Attractive force increases
Rate of movement increases Rate of movement decreases
  1. Spirit kept open in a watch glass disappears after some Which among the following phenomena are responsible for this ?

a) Sublimation

b) Distillation

c) Evaporation

d) Diffusion

Answer : Evaporation and diffusion

  1. Which are the methods that can be used to separate the components of a mixture made of common salt, ammonium chloride and sand ?

Write the methods in the order in which they are applied.

Answer :

  • Heat the mixture of sand, ammonium chloride and salt. Due to “sublimation” ammonium chloride will evaporate.
  • To the remaining mixture, add some water. Salt is dissolved, from this sand is separated by “filtration”.
  • Remaining salt can be separated by “distillation”.
  1. Many minerals are present in ordinary water.

a) Which is the method that can be used to remove the minerals and obtain pure water ?

b) In which type of mixtures is this method employed ?

c) Water purified by this method is distilled water. Write two instances of its use ?

Answer :

a) Distillation

b) When one component of the mixture is volatile and the others do not vapourise under the same condition, they can be separated by distillation. If the components of a mixture possess a large difference in their boiling points, they can also be separated by distillation.

c)    (1) Used in chemical lab.

(2) Used in storage batteries

  1. From the following statements, choose those which apply to solid substances alone.

a)  Particles have little freedom of movement.

b)  Distance between particles is very high.

c)  Particles remain very close to each other.

d)  Energy of particles is very high.

Answer : a) Particles have little freedom of movement.

c) Particles remain very close to each other.

  1. Fragrance of flowers reaches to us due to……………………..

Answer : Diffusion

  1. A mixture of two miscible liquids can be separated by the process of…………………….

Answer : Fractional distillation.

  1. On heating a solid directly changes to gas is called………………….

Answer : Sublimation.

  1. On heating force of attraction between molecules………………….

Answer : decreases.

Ebenezer HSS Veettoor

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