
Unit 2 Medieval India : Society resources and trade

1) Which Traveller said about the towns and trade in the medieval India ?

Ans : Nicolo Conti

2) What was the chief occupation of people in medieval India ? 

Ans : Agriculture

3) Which town was the most prosperous place in medieval India ?

Ans : Vijayanagara

4) ‘The Indian towns are highly populous and wealthy ‘. Which traveller said this ?

Ans : Ibn Bathutah

5) Who was the English Traveller who visited during Mughal period ?

Ans : Ralph Fitch

6 ) Which was the main Educational Centre in medieval period ? 

Ans : Nalanda University

7) Who was the Moroccan Traveller who visited in Sultanate period ?

Ans : Ibn Battutah

8) Who was the famous poet who lived in Sultanate period ?

Ans : Amir Khusro

9) Which is the Famous book in Mathematics written by Bhaskaracharya ? 

Ans : Leelavathi

10) Who wrote about the social life of people in medieval India ? 

Ans : Tavernier

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